Monday, October 1, 2012

A Bit of an Introduction

How do you answer the question of who you are?

You're a wife, mother, student, journalist, counselor, accountant, a giver to the community... etc.

Me, I'm a coordinator. But that's not who I am, it's what I do.

So who am I?

I am a young woman who knows she is valued and deeply loved by God, no matter what. I know that He is there for me to enjoy every day, every hour, every moment-- if I just will.

That is who I am... a human being created for a Creator who isn't just "out there," but deeply personal, involved with my life, and who cares about me; who saved me from myself even before I knew He did.

I realized that I never did fully introduce myself in this blog, and a lot has changed from the time I did in my last one about what it is I do. But not who I am, that hasn't changed... I just needed a good starting point.

So, who am I other than that?

I am a walking contradiction; with a highly organized brain, and yet unable to keep clothes off the floor.

I am afraid of the ocean, but have gone kayaking with sharks and snorkling with golden fish.

I am afraid of heights, but I will fly planes.

I have shown a blind child bubbles for the first time.

Iridescent loveliness escapes from my lips
a gentle puff of air, a breath from me
escapes and gently floats towards 
his little outstretched hands 
and lands on his tiny curled knuckles, 
tickles his dark eyelashes as he listens for 
what bubbles sound like.
Right on his nose, his cheek, his dimple. 
He smiles the brightest smile, reserved for days
when mom sends oreos in his lunch.
He doesn't hear bubbles, he feels them.
A breath of wonderment hits us both.

I am a writer (even if I am a cheesy one), and have the bad habit of choosing to read books over doing things like dishes. Who cares if they get done, when Dante is just about to reach the giant beast, frozen in ice, desperately beating his wings to escape?

I love tea parties, and will once in a while spoil a favorite adult or two with lavish apple pastries, chocolate chip scones, china tea cups, and sugar cubes. 

I speak Hebrew, and can read the Old Testament in it. I can also read the New, in Greek. 

I understand EspaƱol, but have a harder time conversing in it. 

I can use a Braille writer. But I can't yet read with my fingers.

I have spent a summer pondering my place in the world at the base of the Mayflower steps in Plymouth, England. Wondering if I would have been brave enough to get on one of those ships, despite the fact I traveled halfway around the world with no way to communicate with anybody. 

I believe in crocheting baby blankets, because I think every child should know just how special they are. But I can't knit worth anything, and have a quilt that's been in progress since... 2010?

I paint, and get frustrated when I can't seem to quite express myself as freely as I can on the piano or on the drums. What I try to express: joy. Does that mean I frustratingly paint to express joy? Hmm.

My favorite hymn is Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.  But my favorite band is the Newsboys.

I believe in wanting the best for people, no matter the cost to me. (So does my husband, God bless that man.) But I never expect the same from other people. 

When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a missionary when I grew up. Despite the fact the only third- world country I've been to is Mexico, and the only mission trip I've ever been on was only a weekend long. 

I bake homemade bread without a bread machine, because I would rather have bread than dessert. But I cheat and use easy methods... even though I want homemade bread.

Unless, of course, that dessert foregone above was chocolate. 

When I see billboards with incorrect grammar, I seriously contemplate graffiti corrections.

I own an Apple computer, but an Android phone.

I hate math, and yet have helped to develop a math curriculum at the botanical gardens for elementary and junior high school students.

And the list goes on.

Of course, there's much more to who I am and what I do. But now I bet you know a little more about me, huh?

I would love to hear about you.